What should you watch out for when using and replacing brake fluid?

What should you watch out for when using and replacing brake fluid?

1) When the brake fluid is mixed with mineral oil, the brake fluid should be completely replaced. For example, when gasoline, diesel or engine oil is inadvertently mixed into the brake system using synthetic brake fluid, it is likely to reduce the braking effect due to the incompatibility of the oil.

2) Brake fluids of different types or different grades must not be mixed. For brake systems with special requirements, a specific grade of brake fluid should be added. Due to different brake fluid formulations of different types or brands, the mismatched or refilled brands may cause the brake fluid quality index to drop and fail to meet the braking requirements. Even those brands that are more miscible and indicate that they can be mixed or replaced may not be used as well, and it is best not to use them for a long time.