LAUNCH X431 PAD II – Multi Car Diagnostic Scanner in India

LAUNCH X431 PAD II is the most advance android base scanning tools with 140 supported car brand and 2000 car models for high end cars with OEM equivalent car diagnostic software. X431 PAD II also supports multi graph display, large number of special function and accurate test data. What makes X431 PAD II unique from other car diagnostic tools is remote diagnostic.

Difference X431 PRO Indian & X431 V China


There is lot of confusion in the Indian market about LAUNCH X431 PRO car scanner and X431 V car scanner. By this blog we will tell you clear difference between LAUNCH X431 PRO and X431 V diagnostic tool.

For Indian market LAUNCH company has designed LAUNCH X431 PRO not X431 V. But there are many unauthorized trader in Indian market who is promoting LAUNCH V as a global version.

What is Key Coding process and how it works.

“Key Coding “as the word itself suggests; includes a physical key and the process of matching the key to the car.

In Late 90s manufacturers all around the world started making the car systems more secure by adding immobilizer system in the cars. The process included adding a transponder chip in the car key; which then emits a signal to the receiver of the Car ignition system. If the signal emitted by the transponder chip in the key is detected as “Wrong signal”, by the ignition system- the car won’t start.

Latest and Must have advanced technologies and devices used in Automobile workshops

Latest and Must have advanced technologies and devices used in Automobile workshops


Automobiles have transformed from dumb moving machines in late 80s to super-smart transporters today. Technological advancements in engines, safety systems, Electrical systems and GPS system has totally changed the way we interact with automobiles and paved a way to much more futuristic approaches to transportation.